1. Only drop your hips as low as you can keep your heels on the ground. If your heels raise up use a blanket or a towel to support your heels. Squatting with your heels up sends your knees too far forward and puts too much pressure on your patella tendon.
2. Ask yourself if your tailbone is curled under you? If this is the case then lift up out of the squat until you can keep your tail aiming behind you. You may find raising your heels with a support helps you keep this position of your pelvis.
Try this supine sequence. It’s not just for when you are feeling tired, it’s a great way to increase your hip mobility!
Kitchen Sink Yoga. A great stretch while you are waiting for your tea to steep!
Outer Hip Relief. Another great break from sitting in your chair!
Yoga Anywhere! For more relief from sitting and other things that ail you, please see the free videos on my website.
Happy squatting! Let me know how it goes in the comment below.
Thank you for this great information. I do Squats, and this will help me to do them correctly.
I also will be enjoying your videos, because they will also help me to do my Yoga poses better too.
Interesting, I have never thought about the effect chairs can have over time on squatting ability. Also, you have one of the most clever blog names ever 🙂