Hatha Yoga Assists eBook
Assisting and adjusting students in yoga is both an art and a science, and requires both knowledge and intuition. Knowing the best way to support each individual student makes a huge difference in the experience a student will have in your class.
The best assists stabilize the student and allow them to deepen the pose on their own. They balance the energy in opposing directions for students, and also give them the tools to find the action again on their own.
This book, Hatha Yoga Assists by Stacey Rosenberg, is a comprehensive guide to assists. It contains:
- Over 50 Assists in 25 Different Postures
- Clear instructions on where to place your hands and how to perform the assist
- Pictures that support the text
- Assists for both the pelvis and legs, and the shoulders and arms
- Assisting philosophy and methodology
- Pose names in both English and Sanskrit
The techniques in this book will help you touch your students thoughtfully, with clarity and purpose. Your touch transmits your intention, support, and compassion, while empowering your students’ to make a lasting shift in their poses and their practice.
For $10 you will be able to download the book instantly.