The letters from students continue to pour in. For most of them, John Friend has only barely touched their lives through the lineage of their local teachers. What the students care most about is that their teachers keep offering the high quality classes they are used to, the preservation of their local communities, and to continue to use the method to create a better quality of life. About a month ago it was Chinese New Year and I spoke about the water dragon in my classes. For some time now, I have also believed that one of things that would happen in 2012 is that old structures of society would begin to break down because they could not be carried forward in this “new world” we are creating. Wouldn’t you know it? The first thing on water dragon’s agenda was Anusara® Inc. Like a tsunami, the intensity of the dragon, […]
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My Asana in the Anusara Situation
In response to inquiries from friends and colleagues, I wrote the following after spending three days at the Advanced Intensive in Miami with John Friend. During the three days I experienced the full spectrum of emotions. As our community broke apart, so too did my heart. I came to Miami because I needed to see things for myself. I don’t make big decisions quickly, and I certainly was not going to make this decision in haste. My original plans had me staying for the weekend workshop, too. However, after the Advanced Intensive I decided to take a vacation day in Miami and then fly out earlier than scheduled on Sunday; I have never wanted to come home so badly! 02•18•12 My “vacation day” plans fell through so I have a day in Miami Beach alone. After almost two hours in the sun without sunscreen, I went to seek lunch. As I […]
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Often when people begin to practice Anusara Yoga and they first hear about the philosophy, the life view, and the approach, they find themselves thinking, “Wow, this is exactly what I believe and how I try to live. I can’t believe there is a system out there, a group of people who have the same beliefs.” This is precisely how it happened for me when the Anusara method found me in 2002. It was as if some part inside of me already knew these ideas to be true but I did not yet have the words to articulate it. My heart felt blissfully at home in a community of like-minded and like-hearted people. Over the years, many of my students have shared these same feelings that the Anusara philosophy truly resonates deep within their hearts. Recently this same theme was illuminated while I was teaching a 50-hour Anusara Immersion in […]
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Part Two of my experience in Beijing.
Continue ReadingBoundless Hearts in Beijing
Check out my post on the Yoga Journal Website
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