Poor posture while sitting at a desk or driving can create tightness in the front chest, back pain, and other physical side effects. Here are three stretches to open your upper arms and front chest, engaging and strengthening your back, and improve your breathing. Try them out and start improving your posture and your health today! 1. Shoulder Stretch at a Wall: Stand with one side facing the wall. Take your arm behind you palm up, little finger side of the hand on the wall. Make sure your arm is as high as your shoulder. Press your hand into the wall and pull as if you were to drag your hand forward to engage the muscles. Then lean forward and slightly turn away from the wall until you feel a stretch. Variations and Modifications: a.) Step the foot closest to the wall forward and lunge. b.) Work with your elbow […]
Continue ReadingAsana Sequences
Feeling Tired? Try This Supine Yoga Sequence
Supine poses or yoga postures done lying on your back are a great way to release stress and increase flexibility in your hips and hamstrings. Opening the pelvic region of the body promotes the release of the downward flowing energy. When this energy is stuck it can contribute to anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and even fertility challenges for women. Use this short sequence to restore and ground yourself anytime of the day. Supta Padangustasana – (Reclining Big Toe Pose) photo – 3 variations 1. leg up, 2.leg to the side, 3. leg across the body as a twist. The main action is to press your thigh bone toward the back of your leg and maintain the natural curve in your lower back. It does not matter how close your leg is to your chest! Use your hands on the back of your thigh or use a belt around your foot. Hold […]
Continue ReadingJust Put Your Legs Up the Wall!
Feeling tired? Getting sick? Holiday blues? You name it, Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall Pose is sure to help with whatever ails you! This restorative pose should be in every modern day earth dweller’s survival kit. Seriously… if you went for a hike and your legs are tired, just put your legs up the wall. If your feeling run down and on the brink of getting sick, just put your legs up the wall. If your body is ready to relax but your day is not over, take 5-15 minutes and just put your legs up the wall. This pose may even help headaches, mild depression and anxiety, stress, lower back tension… the list goes on! It’s a restorative so it calms your nervous system. It’s an inversion so it helps circulate blood and lymph and reverses the affects of gravity. Why not give it a try […]
Continue ReadingAsana for Lower Back Relief
Is your low back and hips feeling tight from sitting too much, stress, or not getting to yoga class? Try this sequence and bring relief to your body, mind, and spirit. 1. Extended Child’s Pose – 10 breaths 2. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog – 10 breaths – photo 3. Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bend – 10 breaths – photo 4. Twisted lunge 5 breaths – Take A Leap – Pose Two Ardha Hanumanasana – 5 breaths – Take A Leap – Pose Three Twisted Thigh Stretch – 5 breaths – Take A Leap – Pose Four 5. Second side – above 3 poses 6. Pigeon Prep – 5-10 breaths each side – Take A Leap – Pose Five 7. Parsvottanasna 5 breaths – Bending forward over one leg – See below! Parivritta Trikonasana – Revolved Triangle – 5 breaths – photo 8. Second side – above 2 poses […]
Continue Reading12 Minutes to Calm, Ground and Energize!
Maintaining balance means to do the things you need for your own self care. That means your yoga practice! This month in my classes you can count on working in ways that foster balance. If you don’t have time to make it to class, here is a short sequence to help you de-stress and recharge. 1. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog – 1 minute – photo 2. Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bend – 1 minute – photo 3. Prasarita Padottanasna – Wide Legged Forward Bend – 1 minute – photo 4. Iguana Lunge – 1 minute each side – low lunge with forearms on the floor inside the front leg 5. Handstand at the wall – 1 minute 6. Balasana – Child’s Pose – 1 minute 7. Savasana – 5 minutes You can make this sequence slightly longer by repeating the first 3 postures after number 4. If […]
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