For many of us it’s not uncommon to check our Facebook page several times and day and see what our friends and community are up to. Occasionally, while I am on reading and posting the latest and greatest nuggets of information and insight I will receive a chat from my dear friend and healer Scott Marmorstein. A few weeks ago Scott and I were having a pretty in depth discussion through a chat when he decided I needed a healing around the matter! What a modern world we live in, I received a long distance healing via a Facebook chat! Truthfully I felt a shift around the matter when he was done! Scott is in the hospital now and needs our love and support. Last night from his hospital bed he wrote, “Only Grace is everything.” Grace is a benevolent power that is available to all of us. It is […]
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I hope you are having a spectacular summer. The highlight for me so far was Wanderlust; The yoga and music festival that took place at Squaw Valley in Lake Tahoe last weekend. The festival was a fabulous gathering of yogis and other like-minded and like hearted spirits. From the early morning until late afternoon there was an awesome variety of yoga classes to choose from, with about half being Anusara, including my teacher, Anusara’s founder John Friend. By afternoon and evening you could watch one of the headline bands just a gondola ride up the mountain. There were so many activities to choose from: dance parties, swimming, a play lounge, acro yoga, fire dancers, chanting, the list goes on. Wanderlust was a great celebration reminding me of all Anusara Yoga stands for; Yoga, Shri, and Community. If you missed it this year, not to worry, they are already making plans […]
Continue ReadingCelebrate Freedom
Today our country celebrates the 233rd birthday of our freedom and independence! Tantric yoga teaches that the essence of our nature is perfectly free. The word in Sanskrit for freedom is svatantrya, which literally means self-looming. The idea behind it is that we have complete free will to act, engage, participate, connect, and play in the world as we wish. The Tantric path of yoga is not a path of isolating our self in a cave but rather a path of participation – we are invited to pursue our own vision and create relationships based on what is most important to us, what holds real value. In other words, we are weaving our selves into a world that everyone else is freely weaving them self into too! Therefore, the tantric universe is infinitely expanding. In fact, the word tantra actually means a tapestry or a web. The world is one […]
Continue ReadingChange Your Mind, Change Your World
Human beings are creatures of habit. In my experience we can easily fall into our routines and go through parts of our life in a trance. Many years ago I was living a life like most people where I had to be at the same place at the same time every morning. I had my morning ritual; the alarm went off and usually I snoozed in child’s pose, maybe a down dog or a few sun salutations on a good day! I took a shower, got myself ready, made my tea and drove off to work. On several occasions it hit me later in the day that I had no recollection of driving to work. Scary, I was on autopilot! It was then I began taking different routes to work each day and learned the back roads and scenic routes around San Francisco. It to kept me present! Yoga has […]
Continue ReadingHello Yogis and Yoginis!
I am finally doing it! Students have often suggested I blog about the ideas I share in classes but I resisted. More work in front of the computer, no way! However, lately I’ve been reading other blogs and have decided to enter in to the technological conversation! I will be exploring cafes around San Francisco with my new lap top where I can work out of the isolation of my home office. After all the path of Tantra is one of engagement in the world! I can’t promise how regular I will be with my posts but here is goes! I hope you enjoy and would love to receive your comments!
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