As a yoga practitioner and teacher I have learned to incorporate yoga stretches in all aspects of my life. I even do yoga in bed! The people at Casper, a new sleep start up specializing in latex memory foam mattresses asked me to share my in bed yoga secrets with you. So come on in to my bedroom…
A little bedtime yoga is great before falling asleep or first thing in the morning, especially when you wake up and don’t quite want to get out of bed yet. In fact, a supported child’s pose with pillows is the best way to spend the minutes when you have hit the snooze button. Reclined hip and leg stretches such as Supta Baddhakonasana, Supta Padangusthasana, and others are great to do on the mattress. (See photos below.)
When you first wake up, I suggest pressing your hands into the wall or headboard above you to get a nice overall stretch. Draw your shoulder blades down your back, engage your serratus anterior, and your latissimus dorsi. Gently release your ribs toward the bed and extend up into your hands pressing into the wall. Stretch your legs straight extending them away from your head.
In the morning I often swing my legs out of bed and lay my torso over some pillows. It’s almost like a half child’s pose with straight legs. This gives me an opportunity to stretch my calves and hamstrings before rising all the way up. Bend your knees into the bed as you reach your hips back and tip your pelvis to widen your sit bones and open your lower back. Then work your legs toward straight by lifting your belly and pressing your feet down. Enjoy the stretch in the backs of your legs while resting your torso on a cloud of support. I have even dosed back off in this one!
Finally, if you are run down and in need of a little boost of energy, flip around and put your legs up the wall. (Pictured below.)
Of course, bed yoga does not replace precious time on the mat and is not as beneficial as being on a hard surface, but it sure does feel good to get a little self-care in to begin and end each day. This is also great to do if you are traveling and in a hotel room.
What yoga postures do you like to do on your mattress – either at bedtime or in the morning before getting out of bed? Let me know with a comment below.

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A yoga enthusiast is really unstoppable. Pajamasana is amazing because you can perform the practice even when you’re already in bed. It looks like it is a great habit that can start and end the day of a yoga practitioner perfectly.