Happy Equinox. The transition between summer and autumn can be the most challenging time to maintain balance. As we head in to the final quarter of the year, it’s a great time to slow down, check in with your goals and intentions for the year, and nurture your well-being.
Balasana / Child’s Pose
Come to your mat and take 5-10 breaths in child’s pose to prepare for your practice. |
Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Dog
Ground your hands and stretch long through all the limbs of your body, including your spine. Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths. |
Uttanasana / Standing Forward Bend
Step forward into standing forward bend. Engage the muscles of your legs and lift your belly. Let gravity release your spine, neck, and head toward the floor. Take 5-10 long deep breaths. |
Indudalasana / Standing Crescent
Stand up with an inhalation and stretch your arms overhead. Catch hold of your right wrist and exhale side bend to your left. Take a few breaths here then inhale to center and repeat on the second side. |
Utkatasana / Chair Pose
Sit back into Utkatasana/Chair pose. Widen your sitting bones, ground your heels, and lift your lower belly while lengthening up through your spine. Breath evenly. |
Phalankasana / Plank Pose
Step back to plank pose and hold for a few breaths toning all the muscles in your body. Resist lowering down as you bend your elbows and lower to the earth. |
Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose
Lift your spine into a little backbend. Move each part of your spine from the lowest part up. Don’t let your head move faster than everything else. Stretch back to downward dog for a few breaths then step forward into Uttanasana. |
Vrksasana / Tree Pose
Stand balancing on one leg with the other foot pressing against the inner standing leg. Stretch your arms up or keep them in prayer. Challenge your balance by looking to the right and back to center. Then to the left and back to center. Can you hold this pose for 60 seconds? |
Virabhadrasana Two / Warrior Two
Step back into warrior two for 5 breaths. Straighten the front leg to move into the next pose, Trikonasana. |
Trikonasana / Triangle Pose
From warrior two straighten the front leg and take your hand to a block or the floor. Repeat the two standing poses on the second side. |
Warrior Three Preparation
From Uttanasana stretch your right leg behind you. Square your hips and stretch your legs straight and strong. Use blocks to touch the floor if you can’t reach. Move directly into the next pose, half moon. |
Ardha Chandrasana / Half Moon Pose
From warrior 3 prep open your top hip and your top arm for half moon pose. Make sure to keep your standing foot steady and the hip wrapping underneath you. Lengthen in all directions. |
Dolphin Pose
Put your elbows on the floor and clasp your hands. Reach the outer edges of your lower arms and hands into the floor. Press your chest toward your thighs. Keep your knees bent if you need to. This pose is a great way to open your chest and upper back. |
Malasana / Squat
If your heels come up place a rolled up mat or blanket underneath them. Keep your arches lifted and your knees and your toes pointing in the same direction. |
Navasana / Boat Pose
Find the support of all of your muscles while balancing in this pose. You can use your fingertips on the floor or work with bent knees while you are learning. |
Ananda Balasana / Supine Child’s Pose
Lay on your back and hug your knees in as wide as your torso. Keep a curve in your lumbar spine. |
Apanasana / Wind Relieving Pose
Draw one leg in deeper and straighten the opposite leg. Hold up to 60 seconds. Repeat on both sides. |
Supta Padangusthasana A / Leg Stretch
You can practice this one either directly from the above pose or after. Simply straighten the leg and hold the back of your thigh. It is extra grounding to have your bottom foot pushing against the wall. Hold 60-90 seconds. |
Setu Bandhasana / Bridge Pose
Lift your hips up to stretch the front of your pelvis and thighs. Ground your heels, engage your hamstrings, and gently tone your glutes. Breath into your open chest. |
Viparita Karani / Legs Up Posture
Let your legs rest against the wall. You can place a block, bolster, or blanket under your sacrum at any height or don’t use a height at all. Stay here for 8-10 minutes. |
Savasana / Corpse Pose
Lay back and give yourself permission to relax |
Pranayama / Breathwork
Sit comfortably and practice with Sama Vritti or equal breath. Inhale for 4 counts. Like a square repeat for several rounds. |
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