What are you working on, or towards in your life? What are your goals and dreams?
So back to your goals. Here is how you apply the wisdom of yoga to the things you want to achieve in your personal and professional life:
• Make sure you are authentic in both your relationships and your endeavors.
• Get clear that you are working toward the things that you value, believe in, and are passionate about.
• Establish yourself in the skills and virtues that will help you achieve your dreams and move forward from there.

Thanks for intresting post!
I like to think like this … Having a good teacher and community is invaluable, but actual growth comes only independently. In yoga, “home practice” is a baby step in this direction. – Waheguru!
Thank you Stacey for the article, very informative post. Definitely something to remember. Love it!
lovely blog, very good post for me i am yoga trainer in delhi, keep it up.